InteriorTypes of window sills for plastic windows: which one is better to choose?
Types of window sills

Types of window sills for plastic windows: which one is better to choose?

Often, the installation of plastic windows is accompanied by a logical question of which window sill to choose, because there are several types of them.

Let’s try to understand the features of each of these materials, go through their advantages and disadvantages and find out which window sill is better to choose for your plastic windows. Shall we begin?

Types of window sills

First of all, they are distinguished by the material from which they are made. All of them are more or less represented on the market and are constantly offered by window installers.

So, they are:

  • PVC (plastic window sills);
  • From an array of wood;
  • Made of natural stone;
  • Made of artificial stone (acrylic or agglomerate).

Well, let’s start in detail about each.

Plastic window sills

Today, in the modern market, you can easily find plastic window sills presented to a potential. This type is perhaps the most common, because there are a lot of options for plastic window sills both in color and texture, shape, manufacturer.

Why are they so popular?


  • Easy installation of the window sill;
  • Do not need careful care;
  • They have a perfectly smooth surface without flaws;
  • Do not fade when exposed to sunlight;
  • A large selection in shape, color solutions, texture;
  • Durability;

However, there are a number of practical disadvantages that must be taken into account before buying.


  • Low thermal stability. If you put a hot object on them, it will lead to deformation or stain formation;
  • Low maintainability. If there are dents, traces of cuts or a crack on the windowsill due to any reason, then it is almost impossible to fix it.

These disadvantages can be considered conditional, because if you are careful, the window sill will last for at least a dozen years (see also: “How to wash a plastic window sill”).

It is PVC window sills that are most often offered by companies that sell and install plastic windows.

Pay attention to the structure of the sill chambers – they should not be too thin, and there should not be a wide distance between the walls, because it is the structure of the chambers that provides the final strength of the surface as a whole.

Do not hesitate and check the strength of the window sill by pressing on it. Sooner or later you will have to stand on it to wash the window or hang a curtain and you must be sure that it does not deform under you.

In general, plastic window sills are a good choice for those who are used to not spending a lot of time cleaning, and for those who prioritize practicality.

The question also often arises – how to choose the color of the window sill. It is worth noting that in most cases the classic white color is used, because this design is suitable for any interior. You can also choose window sills painted to look like wood or stone, but then you should already take into account the design features of the room.

Wooden window sills

Solid wood window sills will serve as an excellent addition to the interior of any room.
Yes, some breeds can be very expensive, but there are decent alternatives. For example, beech. It is cheaper than oak, but much stronger than pine or alder.

Let’s look at the advantages of such surfaces:

  • Durability;
  • Tactile warmth – they are very pleasant to the touch;
  • Endurance. Because of the solid structure, such window sills are considered to be an order of magnitude stronger than their plastic counterparts.
  • Fits perfectly into the interior, looks expensive and elegant.
  • The window sill can be painted in any color, and also given the correct shape at will.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • Conditional moisture resistance. If the window sill is made of high quality, it is initially impregnated with a hydrophobic mixture, and also opened with two layers of varnish. Cheap options are varnished only once and at the slightest damage to the top layer they begin to gain moisture;
  • Care. As with any wooden surfaces, there needs to be a special attitude and more or less regular care.
  • Average resistance to mechanical stress. It is quite easy to leave a scratch or dent on them (depends on the type of wood).
  • High cost. Window sills made of mahogany, oak, tropical species – look cool, but are excessively expensive.

To ensure a permanent beautiful appearance of such a window sill, you will need to wipe it regularly with a dry cloth and special mixtures for tree care.

Also, when choosing a wooden surface, it is worth paying attention to possible flaws, which, unfortunately, are a frequent occurrence and can spoil the whole look of the window sill.

For example, choose the best side of the wood in advance so that it later becomes the front. This is especially true of the knotty textures that are found in the manufacture of surfaces made of rock of classes B and C.

If you are afraid that the edges of the window sill will be damaged during installation, you can ask the craftsmen to leave them straight (without facets or edges), and bring them to mind after installation.

Window sills made of natural or artificial stone

Stone window sills have the highest indicators of strength and durability.

Of course, they have a price, because they guarantee durability and beauty for many years.


  • Strong, durable;
  • Heat-resistant and water-resistant;
  • Do not fade;
  • Artificial stone (especially acrylic) is easy to repair in case of damage;
  • They look cool and sound;
  • A wide selection of colors and types of window sills on sale.


  • A lot of weight. Window sills made of natural stone are very heavy, unlike artificial;
  • Low maintainability (for natural stone);
  • Subject to coex systems;
  • Very expensive (in the cost of materials, installation, repair).

It is worth noting that artificial stone is a little easier and more practical to use than natural. It also has a wide variety of textures, shapes and colors. Such window sills are eco-friendly, which cannot be said about natural stone, which must pass a radiological examination.

Therefore, it is worth thinking carefully about which of these materials is better to choose.

Window sill-countertop

They come from any materials that we have already discussed above.

The idea of a windowsill-countertop is an ideal option for those who do not have very many square meters in the room.

Such a surface can be used as a table or a workplace in the kitchen.

The advantages here are as follows:

  • Space saving
  • Versatility

There are only two disadvantages:

  • Such a window sill will be constantly filled with something;
  • If you decide to put a sink at the kitchen window, behind (or above) which there will be a window sill, then drops of water and dirt will remain on it.

Gloss or mat?

When buying a window sill, in the end there will be a choice – matte or glossy?

From a practical point of view, caring for a matte window sill is a little easier than for a glossy one.

Any stains are clearly visible on the glossy surface due to the fact that the gloss reflects and contrasts with the dirty surface. Such a window sill certainly looks beautiful, but this applies to those cases when it is well washed. The matte surface does not get dirty so quickly, so it is easier to use and care for.

Another important point. Condensation on windows is a common problem. But strangely enough, this is due to the wrong choice of the length and width of the window sill. After all, as a rule, a battery is placed under the window sill.

If the window sill protrudes above it and “covers” it, then condensation can be seen on the windows. In order to avoid this, it is worth making sure that the window sill does not cover the battery. But there is also an alternative option – the installation of ventilation grilles on the windowsill. In the photo you can see the trajectory of the movement of warm air.

When considering a home remodeling project, one crucial aspect that often goes overlooked is the selection of the right window sill. Your choice of window sill can significantly impact your overall comfort and the convenience of your living space. This is where a reliable home remodeling company comes into play, as they can guide you in making the best choice for your specific needs.

Before making any decisions, it’s essential to conduct thorough research. Start by examining the various options available on the market. Not only should you focus on the product description and the reputation of the manufacturer, but it’s equally vital to delve into customer reviews. These reviews can provide invaluable insights into the real-world experiences of homeowners who have already made similar choices. By considering the feedback and experiences of others, you can avoid potential pitfalls and ensure that your window sill selection aligns perfectly with your remodeling goals.

We hope our information was useful and will help you choose the perfect window sill for your apartment.

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Types of window sills for plastic windows: which one is better to choose?

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