InteriorProper organization of bathroom space: 20 tips
Proper organization of bathroom space: 20 tips

Proper organization of bathroom space: 20 tips

If you want the organization of the bathroom space to relax – you are not alone. It is worth noting that designers are increasingly focusing on this space in the house, improving it according to the latest trends, such as brass lamps and modern seating.

Organization is something you can do at any time, such changes will not depend much on your budget. The article is devoted to 20 simple tips for organizing a bathroom.

What you see…

Only by observing cleanliness and neatness, you can create the basis for a well-organized space. When the room is in perfect order, things lying out of place are very conspicuous – this will encourage you to immediately hide or throw away everything unnecessary!

1. Keep countertops empty

The advice seems obvious, but just think about what a pleasant feeling appears when you think that all the space in the bathroom is not occupied by care products, shampoos and other bubbles.

If placing something on the countertop is inevitable, then try to group the items and put them in cute containers or choose well-matched packages.

Proper organization of bathroom space

The first step towards organizing the bathroom space is perfect order

2. Stick to the same color scheme

One way to visually create a clean and tidy room is to stick to the color scheme. White color is becoming an increasingly popular choice for the bathroom, as it refreshes the interior very much.

Imagine what the bathroom in the photo above will look like if accents such as blue and purple vases are present in the design. White containers, on the contrary, enhance the feeling of harmony and order.

3. Select no more than two decorative elements

There is nothing that would increase the clutter and occupy an invaluable place like the counter “decorative elements”. Most spas are designed in a minimalist style, and this is good news for owners of small spaces.

If you want to add decorative elements, you can pay attention to indoor plants. Flowers such as ferns will feel very good at high humidity.

Proper organization of bathroom space

Indoor plants are perfectly combined with a white color scheme

4. If something is in plain sight, keep it clean

Do you have open shelving? Do you need to keep some things handy? Don’t worry if there is no free space in the closet. Focus on external neatness. Roll up or put away towels, choose plain containers or dispensers for items such as soap.

Proper organization of bathroom space

Neatness first of all

5. Store only the essentials on the sink

The area around the sink is often splashed with water and liquid soap. It is necessary to wipe it regularly. Do not complicate this rather simple task with a mess that will stand in the way every time. Soap is all you need to keep near the tap. Perhaps another lotion to moisturize your hands. If you want a toothbrush nearby, keep it in a convenient cup or container.

Proper organization of bathroom space

Simplicity is the key to cleanliness and order

6. Choose uniform vials for storing care products

If the bathroom is small, or you just find it necessary to keep the funds in plain sight, think about which vessels you can move them into so that they look like a product line. These can be bottles made of glass or steel. Visual integrity will create a sense of order.

Proper organization of bathroom space

7. Stylish accessories

Make sure that your bathroom has everything you need: a soap dispenser, a container for small debris, a toothbrush cup and a soap dish. A great example is a set of accessories: everything is extremely simple, but at the same time tasteful.

Proper organization of bathroom space

8. Additional decor: not only beautiful, but also useful

If you really like to design and you want to add some touches to the interior, make sure that they serve a double purpose. For example, on a small wooden stool, you can store funds or folded towels, while its main task will be to create a stylish accent near the bathroom.

Proper organization of bathroom space

9. If necessary, install an additional towel rack

Keep towels away from the floor and avoid crowding: hooks, hangers and racks will help in this. You will be surprised when you realize that the side of the cabinet can be an ideal place to store towels.

Proper organization of bathroom space

10. Baskets and trays are the best friends of order in the bathroom

If there are a lot of things in the bathroom, do not arrange them chaotically! Group them according to their intended purpose and put the container or basket in an easily accessible place. For example, a tray with accessories like shampoo will give the room a decadent look.

Proper organization of bathroom space

Behind the scenes

After restoring the external order, it is necessary to think about the actual storage of things. Regardless of whether they are contained in a closed or open rack, it is recommended to follow several key rules.

11. Purchase all the missing items

Start with what you have and what you don’t have. Not enough storage space? Maybe a rack from CB2 will be the solution to the problem. This is a great example of compact design, which will be very useful for small spaces.

12. Use vertical space

With a limited area, an excellent solution would be to get the most out of another place – walls. Hinged racks and shelves can provide additional space; at the same time, they themselves practically do not occupy it. (advice from Crate & Barrel)

Proper organization of bathroom space

13. Get rid of garbage regularly

Once again, we remind you that you may need less space than you think. By regularly getting rid of expired or unnecessary products, you prevent cluttering of drawers and cabinets.

Proper organization of bathroom space

14. Get the most out of the first aid kit

Did you know that many medicines should not be stored in the bathroom, where heat and moisture do not create the best conditions for them? Try to keep most of the first aid kit in the kitchen, and use the shelves in the bathroom for other things you need at hand.

Proper organization of bathroom space

15. Use organizers

Who would like to spend time every time trying to find their favorite lipstick in a drawer littered with cosmetics? Special organizers will help to avoid convulsive searches for the right thing.

Proper organization of bathroom space

16. Drawers

Usually such devices are located in the kitchen near the sink, but they will fit perfectly into the bathroom. Instead of looking for mosquito repellent or lotion on the upper shelves, you can simply pull out the drawer right where you are standing!

Proper organization of bathroom space

17. If you can’t avoid a mess, mask it

Storage boxes will solve the problem of visual congestion. The market offers a wide range of options. You can choose plastic, or you can choose wooden boxes, for example, from CB2: they are durable and very stylish.

Proper organization of bathroom space

18. Closed containers

Wire and open storage baskets are aesthetically pleasing, but if you don’t want everything to be in plain sight, then use closed and opaque containers: they will help hide things that are unattractive to the eye.

Proper organization of bathroom space

19. There should also be order inside the cabinets

Like drawers, stackable trays and shelves help sort and group things, maximizing vertical space. Use elements similar to acrylic trays to create additional storage levels.

20. Keep cleaning products in the bathroom

Last but not least, an organized bathroom is a clean bathroom. Keep a few detergents in an accessible place so that you can, for example, wipe the sink at any time.

Proper organization of bathroom space

Here in your bathroom and order! Now, when you enter there, you will not leave the feeling that you are in a spa salon.

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Proper organization of bathroom space: 20 tips

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